How to Write a Compelling Blog Outline

Admin / April 8, 2024

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73% of individuals acknowledge that they only skim blog posts, while a mere 27% consume them thoroughly. This is precisely why blog outlines are indispensable: they facilitate the breakdown of complex subjects into easily digestible sections.

As a writer, you are well aware that outlining your blog is crucial for creating well-organized and coherent content. Without a clear plan, effectively organizing your thoughts and ideas can be challenging, resulting in disjointed and confusing content.

This is where a blog outline serves as a roadmap for writing a blog. By creating an outline, you can structure your thoughts and ideas in a logical flow of information, making the writing process easier.

Outlines also help you stay focused and on track, preventing you from getting sidetracked or overwhelmed by the task at hand.

To assist you in creating the perfect blog outline, we have compiled a blog post outlining the steps you need to take to craft a compelling and engaging narrative for your blog. With our tips and tricks, you will be able to structure your blog to capture your readers' attention and keep them engaged from start to finish. Let's get started!

What is a blog outline?

A blog outline is a document that serves as a skeletal roadmap for your blog. It helps structure the flow of the blog and the main points you want to include in your content.

As a writer, you may be inclined to write as inspiration strikes. However, this can lead to a confused piece of content that lacks a good flow. When readers attempt to read your blog, they are likely to feel confused and may stop reading altogether.

Therefore, a blog outline ensures that your inspiration follows the right flow and that your words have a strong impact with a well-structured format.

Key elements to understand before creating your blog outline
Before you create your blog outline, it is important to understand the thought process that will drive the creation process. Here are two key elements to consider:

1. Understand your blog's objective

Before you start typing away at your keyboard, it is crucial to grasp the objectives of your blog post. This clarity will guide your writing in a purposeful direction that resonates with your readers, addressing their needs and sparking their interest.

Here's how you can align your blog post with its intended goals:

- Attract New Audiences: Offer valuable and engaging content to expand your reach and visibility.

- Serve Your Existing Community: Provide relevant and insightful information to foster loyalty and engagement.

- Earn Influencers' Amplification: Create content that leverages influencers' reach and influence for greater exposure.

- Answer Specific Questions or Contribute to Conversations: Position yourself as an authority by providing valuable insights and solutions.

- Promote Products/Services: Drive interest and engagement with promoted products or services.

- Convince Readers of a New Perspective: Stimulate critical thinking and open dialogue by providing alternative viewpoints.

- Share News or Create Awareness: Keep your audience informed and engaged with relevant updates.

- Establish Credibility or Become an Influencer: Build trust and recognition within your target audience by consistently delivering high-quality content.

Set Clear, Measurable Goals:

- Email Subscribers and Search Engine Rankings: Aim for a specific number of email subscribers and high search engine rankings.

- Unique Visitors or Social Media Followers: Define targets for website traffic and engagement.

- Implement Realistic and Achievable Targets: Set challenging yet attainable goals for continuous improvement.

- Define Your Target Audience's Wants, Needs, and Desires: Tailor your content to address their needs and provide valuable insights.

2. Choose your core message

Creating a successful blog requires a strong message that resonates with your audience. This message should inform every piece of content you create, ensuring it provides value. Here are some ways to define your message:

- Define Your Core Message: Start with a clear and concise statement that encapsulates what your blog offers and who it benefits, attracting and guiding your readers.

- Expand and Support Your Message: Highlight the key benefits of your blog and support them with tangible examples, compelling stories, or relevant statistics.

- Ensure Consistency: Keep your core message simple, memorable, and free of fleeting trends to build trust and loyalty.

- Value Proposition: Understand what sets your blog apart and emphasize this unique selling point to give readers a compelling reason to choose your blog over others.

How to write a blog outline in 8 steps

Creating a detailed and well-structured outline does not have to be an intimidating task. Here are practical steps to help you create an effective blog post outline:

1. Choose the right blog post format

Selecting the ideal format for your blog post is akin to choosing the right outfit for an occasion. It should fit the theme, appeal to the audience, and serve the purpose. Here's how to match your content with the perfect blog post structure.

- Review the top 10 posts that rank for the keyword you are targeting and understand the common theme.

- Determine if it should be a listicle or a how-to guide. Are the top-ranking articles more direct with examples and case studies, or do they provide a step-by-step walkthrough of a topic?

Answering these questions will help you understand the type of content your readers are looking for and what search engines prioritize. Here are some common blog types:

- Lists and how-to guides: Listicles like "Top 10 Tips" make information digestible and shareable, perfect for driving traffic and encouraging shares. How-to guides establish you as a thought leader, offering valuable industry knowledge to solve user problems and increase leads.

- Checklists and infographics: Checklists serve as practical step-by-step guides for your audience, while infographics blend information with entertainment, making complex data easily understandable and shareable.

- Profiles and personal stories: Profiles spotlight influencers or experts, adding credibility through interviews. Personal stories forge an emotional connection, sharing experiences that educate and resonate personally.

By the looks of it, listicles are the most prominent types of posts.

Leveraging content for authority and engagement: You can also use the opportunity to add content that enhances your brand's authority by using certain types of content.

- Case studies and data studies: Case studies present real-world applications valuable to your niche, ideal for demonstrating success and converting leads. Data studies use visuals to narrate a story, potentially earning backlinks from other companies.

- Content hubs and expanded definitions: Content hubs interlink related pieces on a topic, reinforcing your site's structure and establishing topical authority. Expanded definition posts delve deep into the "what" before exploring the "how," providing comprehensive insight into a subject.

2. Research and gather information

Starting the research phase of your blog post is similar to laying the foundations of a house. It is crucial to create a strong and reliable narrative. Here are ways to collect and arrange information that will support your blog outline with accuracy and credibility:

- Create a brain dump document: Compile all your research into a single document, including facts, statistics, case studies, expert opinions, and SEO considerations.

- Facts and Statistics: Use reputable sources like Statista, Deloitte, or other well-known studies for up-to-date and credible data.

- Case Studies: Look for real-world examples to add depth to your arguments.

- Expert Opinions: Cite industry leaders or relevant studies from trusted sources like McKinsey or Gartner.

- SEO and E-A-T: Remember that Google values expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, especially in YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) niches. Ensure your research reflects these qualities by being thorough and credible.

- Competitive Analysis: Examine high-ranking blog posts on similar topics. Identify what they cover and how you can offer something more comprehensive or present a unique angle.

- Conducting effective keyword research: Understand search intent by exploring keywords related to your topic. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush can help decipher search intent and gauge competition.

3. Brainstorm key points

Once you have established the foundation of your blog post by understanding its objectives and honing in on your core message, it's time to brainstorm the key points that will form the backbone of your content. This process combines creativity with strategy, allowing you to map out the journey your readers will take. Here are effective methods to generate and organize pivotal ideas:

- Individual brainstorming techniques:

- Mind Mapping: Create a visual mind map branching out from your central topic into subtopics. This method is excellent for visual thinkers and helps structure thoughts coherently.

- Starbursting: Develop questions around your topic using the "who," "what," "when," "where," and "why" framework. Answering these questions can reveal new angles and insights.

- Internet Browsing and Google Predictive Searches: Explore related content and note how Google auto-completes searches related to your topic, indicating popular queries and concerns.

4. Define your unique angle for the blog

Your angle sets your content apart and gives you an edge in search engine rankings. It could be based on personal experience, expert insights, data analysis, or a contrarian view supported by evidence.

To define your unique angle, consider what perspective you can offer that's different from existing content on the same topic. How can you provide valuable insights or a fresh take? Your angle should resonate with your audience and make them eager to read your post.

How AI can help: 

Aidilys can also help you with this. Ask away, and you will be answered. For example, I asked Aidilys what some unique perspectives for a blog could be, and here is the result.

Using AI in content creation can help you brainstorm ideas and unique POVs for your blog. 

5. Organizing Your Ideas

After brainstorming, organize your ideas into a coherent structure for your blog post. Here's a methodical approach:

- Headings and subheadings: Create a logical flow by starting with headings and then using subheadings for clarity.

- Start with Headings: Write the headings before beginning the blog post. This will help break down the content into main sections, ensuring each part addresses a specific aspect of your topic.

- Use Subheadings for Clarity: Employ subheadings to further divide the content under each heading. This makes your post easier to scan and digest, enhancing the user experience and keeping your readers engaged.

- Logical Progression: Arrange your headings and subheadings in a sequence that naturally leads the reader through your argument or story, starting with the most pertinent information.

6. Dive deep into each section

For each section, list the main points and supporting information. Include examples, quotes, or data that add depth and relevance.

As you dive deeper into each section, expand on your outlined main points. Consider what evidence or examples you can provide to support your arguments. Be sure to maintain a logical flow from one point to the next, ensuring your readers can easily follow your thoughts.

Use generative AI tools like AIdilys that can help you identify the latest data to include in your blog!

7. Develop headline ideas

Writing a headline that captures attention and compels clicks can dramatically influence the success of your blog post. Here are strategies to develop headline ideas that will draw readers in:

- Utilize Numbers and Trigger Words: Incorporate numerals and powerful verbs to convey immediacy and action. Clearly state the benefit of reading your post.

- Apply the "4 U's" of Headline Writing: Ensure your headline offers uniqueness, ultra-specificity, urgency, and usefulness.

- Test and Optimize Your Headlines: Experiment with different headlines for the same content, use SEO tools to assess SEO friendliness, and monitor metrics to gauge effectiveness.

8. Polish your introduction and conclusion

Write an engaging introduction to hook your readers and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Your introduction is your chance to grab your readers' attention and set the stage for what's to come. Make it intriguing and relevant to your topic. In the conclusion, reiterate your main points and leave your readers with a clear takeaway or a call to action. Ensure that your introduction and conclusion align with your blog post's overall tone and message.

8.Embrace collaboration and feedback

Share your outline with your team, editor, or client. Their input can be invaluable in shaping your content effectively.

Collaboration is key to creating high-quality content. Once your outline is ready, seek feedback from others who can provide fresh perspectives and help edit the blog outline if necessary. They may spot areas for improvement, suggest valuable additions, or help you refine your content to make it even more engaging and informative.